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Corbitt, Ted

Ted CorbittTed Corbitt M (USA), geb. 1920-01-31

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though little known to the general public, Ted Corbitt (b. January 31, 1920, near Dunbarton, South Carolina)[1] is a key figure in the history of running. In a long career, he held many records as an athlete and was equally influential as an official of running organizations. Corbitt is often called "the father of long distance running." He was an ultramarathon pioneer, helping to revive interest in the sport in the United States in the 1960s and 70's. New York Times columnist Robert Lipsyte called Corbitt "the last surviving spiritual elder of the modern running clan".

Corbitt also developed standards to accurately measure courses and certify races. The technique involved the use of a calibrated bicycle and was widely adopted worldwide.

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