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"Das ist ein Multi-Orgasmus für die Seele"
Stefan Schlett über Dünenlandschaft in der Takla Makan
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23.-25.03.2012 | Jurassic Coast Challenge (GBR) | ||||||
126,6km/3Tage |
Letzte Änderung am 01-11-2011 durch Steppenhahn 26.2 mile marathon each day for 3 days running, jogging, walking or crawling from Lyme Regis to Poole along beautiful but brutal coastal terrain. A true test of fitness and determination for those who find modern life just a little bit too comfortable. Heed the warning: the cowardly won't start and the weak won't finish. If all three days sound a bit much too much then runners are welcome to join us just for a day or two. | ||||||
Kontakt: | | ||||||
Bericht(e) | -- | ||||||
Sonstiges: | -- Ihr kennt noch einen Bericht, habt weitere Infos oder gar den neuen Termin? Mail an den Steppenhahn Letzte Änderung: 01-11-2011 | ||||||
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