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Tooting Bec Track - Self Transcendence 24 Hour Track Race London (GBR)
Letzte Änderung am 09-01-2013 durch Steppenhahn

The race will be held on the track at Tooting Bec, Tooting Bec Road, London SW17. The track is 400m. outdoor all weather ‘Tartan’ with floodlighting. There are ample changing rooms and showers together with rest facilities immediately adjacent to the track. Light refreshments, including tea, coffee, juice, electrolytic drinks, biscuits, chocolate, fruit and sandwiches will be available on the track throughout the duration of the race. In addition hot food will be available at the main meal times (i.e. Saturday lunch, supper and Sunday breakfast). A hot meal will also be provided at the Post Race Function. Meals will be available for handlers at extra cost. Medical back up will be available from Saturday evening till the end of the race. A team of lap counters will record every lap for each runner. Split times will be taken at all major intermediary distances for the lead runners.
Shankara Smith, Run and Become, 42 Palmer St. Victoria, London, SW13 0BH, England
Tel.: +44-207-2221314
Fax: +44-207-9768069
Sonstiges:Vielleicht lief da auch
  • Ironman
  • Ironman
  • Ultra-Claudia
  • Christian (Tolle Organisation und ebensolche Stimmung unter den Teilnehmern aus insgesamt 6 Nationen, was mich zu neuer PB über 100 Meilen (overall) und neuer PB über 24 Std. Bahn getrieben hat.)

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Letzte Änderung: 09-01-2013
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