Zufälliges Zitat

"Any day that you don't finish a run is still a day you went out for a beautiful run. If that's the downside, then there's no downside!"

Danny Dreyer

Nächster Ultramarathon

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Sa., 09.03.2013 
Annapurna 100 ultra trail race (Nepal)
100km; 70km; 50km
Letzte Änderung am 21-02-2012 durch Steppenhahn
The Annapurna 100 is destined to be one of the world’s great trail running races. It’s got hills, trails, forests, culture and probably the only ultra race where you get a tikka on your forehead at 50 km and a garland of flowers around your neck. It’s Nepal’s original ultra-marathon and this year its fittingly on the first day of 2011....
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Letzte Änderung: 21-02-2012
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