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"If everything is under control, you're probably moving too slow."

Mario Andretti

Nächster Ultramarathon

William Sichel mit 180.98km/24h ins Guinness-Buch
Ich dachte ja, der Laufband-Rekord über 24h läge höher, aber vielleicht vertu ich mich da ja auch. Oder aber dieser Lauf ist in einer wissenschaftlichen Studie gelaufen, und das macht den Unterschied? (Ich kenn mich da nicht so aus) William ist jedenfalls kein ganz Unbekannter, Britischer Meister 100km 1999, und in den 24h sogar 1998, 1999, 2000 und 2001. Seinen Rekordversuch hatte er in der Ultramarathonworld am 3.11. angekündigt , und da wird der alte Rekord mit 105,18M (169,23km) angegeben, aufgestellt von Gavin Smith im Oktober.

Hier jedenfalls die Mail von Douglas Potter, die ich heute erhalten habe:

Betreff: William Sichel passes 24 Hour treadmill world best
Datum: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 18:24:10 +0000 (GMT)
Von: Douglas Potter <doug_potter2002@yahoo.co.uk>
An: isy@bgfa.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

William Sichel sets Guinness Book of Records best for 24 hour treadmill run in scientific study

The British No. 1 24 Hour performer, William Sichel, a 49 year old Anglo-Scot who lives on Sanday in the Orkney Islands to the north of Scotland, today surpassed the listed world best in the Guinness Book of Records for the 24 hour treadmill run. Sichel covered 112.46 miles/180.98 km in the 24 hours under non-stop supervision. The whole run was videoed.

He found the run very hard. Held indoors, he became very hot and sweated profusely. ?I have never fully appreciated the role of conduction and convection in cooling the human body before,? he said afterwards Despite a very powerful fan, not moving through air as a runner does normally, but instead moving within the same air that rapidly became saturated with moisture, Sichel found the conditions very hard.

The moving belt of the treadmill was another problem; his foot strike became distorted by the landing on the moving surface.

Sichel is a great student of the event and has spent much time researching the scientific and reports on the 24 hours. His run was closely monitored by the Head of Department and three students from the Sports Science faculty of the University of Paisley. The run will form the core of the students? final year project.

Blood pressure readings, as well as urine and blood samples, were taken at regular intervals, the latter to measure glucose and lactate levels. A range of psychological testing was also undertaken.

Sichel has also been part of 24 hour studies in the past, which will thus enable comparisons to be made.

The intention is that the feedback from the studies will enable Sichel to be able to reflect and improve on his 24 hour performances. Sichel has a personal best for the 24 hours of 153.9 miles/246 km, and has represented the United Kingdom at both the 100km and 24 hours.

He intends to produce a report on the run, which hopefully will be very useful to other 24 hour practitioners. Much of the information currently available on the event is largely anecdotal and few scientific studies have been undertaken. Hopefully Sichel?s run will go some way towards developing the necessary scientific base for the further development of the event.