Zufälliges Zitat

"Ich bin krank, aber nit so krank, dass ich nit 24-stunden laufen könnte"

Stefan Schlett, erkältet in Wörschach

Nächster Ultramarathon

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RAW Mid-East (Dubai)
Letzte Änderung am 06-01-2011 durch Steppenhahn
250 km over 5 Days

The RAW Series – World Championship

50 Teams

200 International Competitors

The Ultimate Running Adventure – RAW Mid-East is a 250km footrace over 5 days through the toughest yet most scenic terrain which Dubai has on offer. Competitors carry everything they need to survive in their ultra running backpacks and each night they have to reach the designated campsite which marks the completion of each stage.

The RAW Series – World Championship

RAW Mid-East is the final of the toughest footrace series - Ambition Events’ “Run Across The World Series”. The top 10 teams from each of the RAW races automatically qualify for the World Championship in Dubai.

A RAW event is not a simple ultra; the challenge is set in harsh or demanding locations all over the world, over routes so grueling, so severe that every finisher can stand proud in the knowledge that it can be done.
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Letzte Änderung: 06-01-2011
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