Zufälliges Zitat

"Racing should never be an ordeal, rather an enjoyable and life-enhancing experience."

Bruce Fordyce (Comrades)

Nächster Ultramarathon

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So., 13.07.2008 
Verbier Ultra run (SUI)
60km; 20km
Letzte Änderung am 03-03-2010 durch Steppenhahn
2007: 60km statt 100km:

The spectacular Swiss Alps host the world champions of ultra running! Verbier Ultra Run offers beautiful scenic quality in a trail race. The 60km race is a buckle (loop) and another partial loop. The 20km is one loop.

The altitude is to 2747 meters. The course travels through trails, pathways, and roadways. There is prize money and assistance with travel and hebergement.

2006: 100 statt 80km

Name: Verbier Ultra Run - Verbier, Switzerland
Date: July 2, 2005
Start Time for 50km and 80km - 7:30 a.m. Start Time for 20km: 9:00 a.m.
Distances: 20km, 50km, and 80km
running surface: smooth road, mountain trails, winding climbs
Prizes: Money Prizes
REgister at: www.extremeworkout.com
Entry Fee: 20 Swiss Francs. pay on race day register by June 25.
Limited number of t-shirts
Contact in Switzerland: sportcenter2@dransnet.ch (Bernd Rosenthal)
Tel.: USA+212-876-2233
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Letzte Änderung: 03-03-2010
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