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Sa., 29.03.2008 
6 Stunden-Lauf Veszprém (HUN)
Letzte Änderung am 27-11-2007 durch Steppenhahn
Veszprém lieg etwa 180 km von Wien...

Dear Runner,

Taste the real spirit of Hungarian ultra tradition, make a choice to participate one of our events. I can not say it will be an easy one, but you will not be alone, because in our events there are lots of runner from the national level to the local runners. You will be safe, because at the races there always a medical point with a doctor. Our homepage's name -futohetvege- means running weekend in english, because we try to convince runners to come for a weekend, spend not just a day with race, but look around in the cities nearby and get a wider image about the country as well. We can offer many beautiful places to visit.
For more infromation in english please contact Szabolcs at:

Lieber Laufer!
Für weitere informationen in deutsch verbinden Judit in:
Ihr kennt noch einen Bericht, habt weitere Infos oder gar den neuen Termin? Mail an den Steppenhahn
Letzte Änderung: 27-11-2007
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