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  • II Trail Castillos de Avila 2005 - PRESS NOTE
    Dear friends,
    We announce the celebration of the 2nd Castillos de
    Avila Ultra Trail. The task is to be anchored among foreign running calendars. Therefore, we want to stress on the aspects that were considered as more positive in the 2004 edition. Thus, these are this years’ details
    Definitive Race date: Saturday November 5th
    We move the start down in the valley to make it more accessible to runners and transport. Start will be at Solosancho (Avila), implying almost 2 km extra. So Trail distance will be 30 miles (48km.) approx.
    Race entry limit will be up to 300 runners. Some 50 race numbers will be specially reserved to foreign runners.
    The Race will connect mediaeval castles such as Villaviciosa, Sotalvo and will finish at the feet of World Heritage Avila City Walls. No asphalt will be along the course, with 2 main aid stations and a mixed course of 50% mountain trails and 50% easier paths. The course will also cross some water features.
    Charity will be present at the trail. A race number 0 will raise funds to Ayuda en Acción NGO, for a primary school building program that will benefit hundreds of infants in Honduras.
    Entry period will be condensed between June and September. But please notice that we opened a pre-entry information period in which runners can book a number and avoid stress in searching entries further on. More than 100 local and international runners have already booked a bib so far. So please move forward in order to get German runners also involved in 2005 edition.
    If more information needed, feel free to quote race info from website. English info available.
    We would like to thank media your role in spreading this news. Local and regional TV, radio and specialized press gave 2004 a huge push even if being trail 1st edition. Internet runners journals and magazines like yours are being the best way to spread our race all over the world.
    Luis Arribas

    (15.02.2005, Steppenhahn)

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