Tritt ein, bring Glück herein

Stop, leider geschlassen!


Good Luck to Jesper Olsen and Alexander Korotkov - Ultramarathon beim Steppenhahn (10.2010)

Zufälliges Zitat

"To spend your life seeking the truth for the sake of knowing is the noblest aim that you could live for... You must learn to think with your own heart and honest effort. "

Sy Mah

Nächster Ultramarathon

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  • Good Luck to Jesper Olsen and Alexander Korotkov
    Phil Essam schreibt:
    At the stroke of midnight tonight in the UK (Greenwich Mean Time), Jesper
    Olsen from Denmark and Alexander Korotkov from Russia will be embarking on
    their Solo Journey around the World. Both are already established Ultra
    runners and are very capable of completing the Journey. They will leave
    England for Europe, before running across Europe and Russia. From there they
    will head to Japan and Australia before heading to the USA and Canada.
    During the way they will also be competing in Ultra races, including the
    Australian 6-day race next November. They are using state of the art
    technology to record there location at all times. This will be able to be
    followed at . Good luck Guys and God Speed.


    Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen und ich hoffe doch, die beiden in Deutschland zu treffen!
    World-Run: Route London-Moskau

    (01.01.2004, Steppenhahn)

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