Zufälliges Zitat

"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nächster Ultramarathon

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Sa., 25.09.2004 
Comitato100km di Roma (ITA)
Letzte Änderung am 29-08-2004 durch Steppenhahn
(Dank an Bernd!)

First Annual Rome 100k - Rome, Italy
Sponsored by the Italian Ultramarathon and Trail Association

Date: Saturday, April 17, 2004
Start: 8:00 a.m. at Via dei Castani, Rome
Course: Flat 1 km paved loop. 16-hour time limit. Also a marathon.
Aid: One well-stocked aid station along the course, massages,
restrooms, medics.
Lodging: Reasonably priced hotels located close to the start/finish.
Post-race dinner at 12:00 a.m.: Pasta party featuring wine from the
famous Castelli Romani area.
Awards: T-shirt for all participants, prizes donated by sponsors, and
trophies for winners.
Entry fee: 15 euros (approx. $15)
For further information contact:
Luigi Buttinelli, Race Director.
Email: luigi.buttinelli@virgilio.it oder 100kmdiroma@caltanet.it
Tel: +39 3484011683
Ihr kennt noch einen Bericht, habt weitere Infos oder gar den neuen Termin? Mail an den Steppenhahn
Letzte Änderung: 29-08-2004
Kommentare Kommentare zu diesem Lauf:
  • rom 100 johann pratscher 16-03-2004 09:33

johann pratscher schrieb am 16-03-2004 09:33:

rom 100

hab gestern ein mail bekommen, worin steht das dieser 100er auf sept. verschoben wurde. lg hansi

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