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Weltläufer Jesper Olsen erreicht Kanada (mm) - Ultramarathon beim Steppenhahn (10.2010)

Zufälliges Zitat

"Almost every day I had gone through some kind of crisis about going on with it."

Jay Birmingham (Finisher eines Solo-TransAm)

Nächster Ultramarathon

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  • Weltläufer Jesper Olsen erreicht Kanada (mm)

    In Kürze:
    Nach der unerwartet schwierigen USA Etappe, seines Sololaufes rund um die Welt, hat der Däne Jesper Olsen die kanadische Grenze überschritten. Schon seit einigen Tagen wird er von Kanadiern unterstützt. Unter anderem von Karl einem in Vancouver lebenden und ultralaufenden Dänen. Bis Calgary wird er vom niederländischen Läufer Peiter Rietveld begleitet werden.

    Orginalbericht von Jesper:
    Canada !!!

    Finally :-)))

    After hard days and good days running up the Pacific coast of the U.S. I finally made it to the Canadian side of the border. There has been times where I lost allmost all confidence that I would get there and still have the run going !

    - Basically I made the mistake of thinking that the American part of the run would be easy - wich allways will leave you heavily unprepared for the situations & hardships that will occur during any parts of an endavour like this ;-)

    Though; there were also good people helping me when things seemed most critical; Brian & Carma from Olympia, Andy Hergert from Salinas, Jurgen Ankenbrand from L.A., Lucian from San Francisco, and many more ... AND Sarah & John Little and Karl - from Canada who allready began supporting me even before I had entered Canada.

    Yes; I have certainly got a positive impression of this huge contry up here; starting allready before I actually crossed the border. But I wont make the mistake of underestimating the challenge of the awaiting part of the run once more :-)

    On the pictures from today you can also see a "new" runner running together with me in the rain: Peiter Rietveld from Holland. Peiter, who has travelled from Austria to meet me here in Vancouver, will run with me across the Rocky Mountains to Calgary on the first major part of the crossing of Canada. An amazing athlete who works for Doctors without borders/Medecins sans frotier, speaks 8 languages .. and has travelled more contries than I; usually on his bicycle !!

    - An interesting waits for us and I will much enjoy his compagny. Some of my good friends allready beeing Duch, I appreaciate the humor and ability to get through all kinds of situations; skills that probably will be well needet when crossing the still cold & snowy mountains !

    The next few days we will spend as guests of Karl - an ultrarunning Dane living in Vancouver; who by the way has done a huge job in preparing the contacts for Canada together with the allways helpfull mr. Phil Essam of Australia, who by now has become the main organizational power of the run :-)

    The agenda for the next days will be preparing the technical equiptment for the requirements that Canada pose for the run as well as meeting other Canadian ultrarunners, participating in a 10km run ("The Vancouver Sun Run" with approx. 40 000 participants !!); as well as a bit of trail-running in the forrests to keep the legs moving. We expect to head out into the mountains tuesday the 19.April.
    Jesper Olsen

    (16.04.2005, Markus)

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